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can't make friends? look down.
Saturday, July 12, 2003 @ 3:05 p.m.

I met Jerry today. Jerry is the man who plays his guitar on street corners and makes me cry just before I have to go to work. We'd never spoken, which seems strange because he definitely evokes strong (teary) emotion in me, so I threw out an olive branch. I'm glad I did. He's intelligent and witty and kind. A catch! He used to perform at YukYuks, and he sells three CD's he's made (as a musician, not as a downloader) out of the case of his guitar. One of them is his monologues. We talked for a long time and I hope that when I'm seventy I'll be just like him--political, interesting and happy. Also, he asked me my sign at the end of our conversation and when I told him, he said we have the astrological capacity to be good friends. I didn't know Aries' could have friends, but apparently I was judging the whole sign based on personal truths rather than general ones. And then as I was catching my bus he started playing Greensleeves because when I was looking at his CD's I told him I liked it.

He's running for office and even though it's Hamilton and I don't care, it may just be enough to get me to the polls.

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