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Monday, Dec. 08, 2003 @ 10:45 p.m.

Our old shower came apart. Literally. And behind the tiles that fell away, there were moulds and mushrooms enough to gag and fascinate a team of astute and experienced repairmen, four housemates, and a landlord who claims he has no idea how it happened. Liar.

Of course, this was last week. We sent Nigel away to the sitter's (read: a compassionate friend's apartment) so that the landlords still won't know we have an animal, and it's been a week since the repairmen replaced the rotten drywall and re-tiled the whole shower with a beautiful and unobtrusive stone-look ceramic tile. It's been drying forever (six days). But finally, our bathroom is gorgeous and our kitty is home and life is good again.

I really wish this house hadn't started to feel so much like home because it's really a shit hole.

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