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Sunday, Jun. 08, 2003 @ 2:33 p.m.

Ryan bought pizza again for dinner last night. I think pizza will be my death. If you ever happen across a scene in which I--the protagonist--am laying motionless beside a box labelled "Gino's", or "Pizza Pizza", or "Little Caesars", there's no need to try to recussitate me. Let it play out. It was a long time coming.

In other news, I stole wedding cake from some poor bride last night because all of the other little children were doing it and I didn't want to seem revolutionary so soon. Meanwhile, I wasn't aware that banquet servers did that sort of thing! It's a perk Hockley Highlands never offered, I suppose. At any rate, I got a big package of chocolate cake with vanilla icing and vanilla strawberry filling. Seven thick pieces of delicious...of delicious...

Perhaps pizza won't be the only contributing factor to my early demise.

I forgot the cake at work anyway.

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