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afterglow: why, sarah, why?
Saturday, Jan. 03, 2004 @ 1:17 a.m.

The irresolute resolves to do more breathing, more writing, more spinning, more eating in, to have more contact and patience and tolerance and ambition and stronger family ties, to do more dreaming, more unnecessary motion, more arriving early, more loud noise by my hand, more comforting, more bread and water and more light, to have fewer possessions and less advice, less formality, less tranquility, less judgment, less time spent in the apartment, to do fewer tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrows, less indulgence, less opinion, less tlc tv, abstraction, and much less visa usage.

I aim low because I know my capabilities.

I was the only one Alberto didn't accuse of being drunk at work on the 31st. We all were, but I'm super, super-duper sly. That is, I was...and then, only until I got home. I don't know how I got here, but Ryan is far more astute than Alberto. Ryan wins! Also, he's not thirty and balding.

In two days I get to go to a work party which promises to be a Night in Spain...if nothing else. And then another but that'll be different and I think we all know which job hosts that sort of party. I asked and there is no instructional video.

For the first time I got five--FIVE!--holiday cards. I am quite popular, it seems, and today popularity is everything. For the most unexpected and shiniest, I owe thanks to Kerry. I owe more thanks than this.

And give what I owe.

Except to Visa.

Damn it!

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