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love outside the "box"
Wednesday, Jun. 23, 2004 @ 9:52 a.m.

the post-day-after-tomorrow question of the day is: why add romance to an otherwise credible storyline?

fuck romance. every other love is less selfish. people used to do great things for their countries, for gods and deities, for their brothers and sisters and parents. this romantic love shit is so egocentric, so reckless and fleeting...and in so being, believable (because it's sexy!) to a self-centered population. romantic love is a sellout. it's cheap. it's dime-a-dozen.

when did loving your country become patriotism? when did being loved by the divine become grace? how did loving your brothers and sisters and parents fall second to creating your own family?

someone please film a love story that doesn't revolve around two people who fall into it. about someone who loved something tremendously not because it might get them laid, but because they just-fucking-loved it. and keep kissing out of it.

i know a better love than romance, through the fallen stars and broken shards and pieces of my life.

and this is my copout ending.

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