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Friday, Jun. 15, 2007 @ 12:08 a.m.

bryan may not be the king of discourse, but he is the king of bryan mccleanisms. a bryan mccleanism is an instance where two phrases or terms are spliced to create a new phrase or term that makes no sense whatsoever. some examples:

1.) yesterday, i told him i was tired of being stuck in the house all of the time and he suggested we go on a date to relieve me of my hayfever.
2.) last week, he was telling me about a man he thought was singing in the car, but was really probably just using a blackberry-tooth.

of course, there are some quasi-mccleanisms i'm so used to that i don't notice anymore: like when he puts emphasis on the last syllable of jetta (jett-AH), or refers to starbucks as "the bukes". and he has unfortunately only just begun to utilize the unpopular phrase "that's just how i roll", and in extremely inappropriate situations. when he steps on my toes, rear-ends another car or discovers he forgot to send his supply order--that's just how he rolls.

don't get me wrong, i'm not sharing frustration. i'm sharing entertainment! similarly to the family channel, there is never a dull moment with bryan mcclean.

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