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juice detox diet
Friday, Jun. 03, 2005 @ 12:28 a.m.

A| says:
how do you feel about stewed prunes?

Amy says:
not too good.

A| says:
you have to eat them on day 8 or 9 to get your bowels...moving...again...

Amy says:
I've never felt anything for stewed prunes really...but I have a feeling that I could not even force myself to love them

A| says:
could you force yourself to conceal them? in, say, chocolate cake? (hellooooo unwanted toxins!)

Amy says:
I accept prunes...like I accept down-ass. But it doesn't mean i want to be friends with the down ass or the prunes.

Amy says:
I can eat prunes if they're not stewed. Do they have to be stewed?

A| says:
no. but you'll have to chew them if they're not.

Amy says:
I am going to be SO disgusted by myself.

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