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if i live to see tuesday, i'll give thanks
Saturday, Oct. 09, 2004 @ 10:34 p.m.

sometimes, and too frequently. it's official. i've lost my tact.

and the killer recipe for pastry my mother gave me...only two days before thanksgiving. why the hell, do you ask, would i -- i, whose lack of cooking experience requires no introduction -- need to bake a pie crust from scratch, when it's obvious that everyone knows better than to expect that i would even consider doing such a thing? astute, you are, to ask.

i'm cooking thanksgiving dinner for my family. my mother will be visiting her sister, and my father and brother would otherwise starve on beans and pork. basically, i'm nicer than i am realistic. the invitation had passed my lips before i could consider the consequences. fires, famines, the company of someone who didn't really want to cook in the first place...in a word: death.

for a stuffed turkey, it's 26 minutes per pound at 325^F. now to the mathbooks to calculate that in kilos, hours and celcius! please wish culinary luck in this direction.

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