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its simply too beautiful a thing for a wallet so bent on impoverishment...
Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2003 @ 12:07 p.m.

I play on the internet too much. It is only now that the consequences are both pressing and dire that I must step back and consider turning the monster off for a while, before I do anything else I didn't really intend.

The other day I think I must have applied for a credit card at my bank's website. Because today, a gorgeous little Visa card came in the mail.

There are many reasons for which this never should have happened. I liken the situation to a child finding a loaded gun in their toybox, but it might better be described in saying that I feel like a chimp who has just been made Supreme Ruler of a large North American country. Not only do I not know what to do -- there's nobody around who can advise me properly or stop me if I set my mind to doing something rash.

I have considered giving it to Ryan and asking him to hide it somewhere he'll forget. However he seems to think that credit cards are good to have, for establishing a good credit reputation. I, on the other hand, know that there are two kinds of credit and that the only way to get the good one is to give the card to Ryan and ask him to hide it somewhere he'll forget.

You send a few people a few free samples of immodium and ky jelly and the mail control karma police slam it right back in your face.

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