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i can hear the ocean, and i've tuned it out
Thursday, Jul. 24, 2003 @ 6:12 p.m.

I found a diary that takes an uninformed pro-war stance. [Informed stances I can begrudgingly accept.] And what's worse, yesterday the author deleted my note! It was a nice note, meant only to educate...and in deleting it she has wounded my fragile pride. I'm sure my note wasn't the only one sent to the shredder. I quote her so you can understand why a) I needed to leave a note and b) why she would have shredded it.

"Two weapons of mass destruction were eliminated yesterday.

Saddam Hussein's two sons, Igpay and Atinlay, are dead. Or whatever their names are.

One of those darling boys used to arrange the public execution of Iraqi athletes that displeased him. The other one was in charge of something called 'Prison Cleansing', which meant that if you were in Iraqi custody for something, and the prisons got too full, there was a name lottery. If your name got chosen, you got removed from your cell and put in the device called the 'shredder' -- feet first.

Just remember this, folks: Had our government listened to the liberals, and allowed the regime to remain intact, these so-called men would have continued to do that.

The opposition's point of view is that 'War never solved anything.' Oh yeah? How about slavery, communism, Nazism and fascism?

Anyway, as much as it galls me to point this out, those men -were- somebody's children. So attention all peaceniks -- If you wish to extend any sympathy toward anybody about what happened, send it to the mother.

If she hasn't been shredded yet."

Oops. And fyi, fascism still exists. In fact, I heard from a reliable source that George W was considering the commission of his own flag including the fasces and his smiling know-it-all-grin. No matter what I say, you gotta love GW. He's always good for a laugh.

Armchair, bumper-sticker patriotism has no place in society, [and to quote bindyree again--who else would say this?--] "folks". You may as well have unsubstantiated faith and pride in the goings-on of your toaster oven as your government...and you can do more about changing what you wish to change when it comes to toasting. It's got a plug, a dial and a warrantee in case if fucks up.

Perhaps we should all consider having those installed in the back of our heads. If only to keep me from spending this much time ranting about something I shouldn't acknowledge at all.

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