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hamilton: festering puddle of a better city's vomit
Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 @ 4:45 p.m.

City council would be wise to invest our money in a toilet large enough to flush the city in its entirety. I suggest they pull the plug on lake Ontario and see if that does the trick. We would, of course, lose a huge freshwater resource...but really, in the long run it makes more sense.

Unrelatedly, this morning I was waiting for the bus when a man came around the corner and asked me how I thought the economy was doing.

"Well," I said, ever the thoughtful bus-riding delinquent, "It's due for a recession. But after that it'll recover. And then it will suffer another, more terrible recession. And recover from that as well. And so on. Why do you ask?"

"Oh I don't know, I was just curious..." The man said. "Got any change?"

Go, economy, go.

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